#ifndef _HTTP_H_
#define _HTTP_H_

/**************************** ACCESS POINT DEFINES (SEARCH FOR WIFI CONNECTION TIME INTERVALS) ******************************/
#define BLINK_PERIOD (uint16_t)3000               // LED BLINKING PERIOG
#define BLINK_TIME (uint16_t)200                  // DIE ZEIT WEIL DIE DIODE EIN IST
#define WIFI_CONNECTION_INTERVAL (uint16_t)10000  // INTERVAL between tryings of connecting to the WiFi
#define WIFI_WAIT_DELAY (uint16_t) 500
#define WIFI_CONNECTION_CHECKS (uint8_t) 10

/*********************************************************** DATATYPES *******************************************************/
 *  Organisation structure. Needed for combining of all variables needed for succesfull reconnection
struct Wifi_struct
  uint16_t blink_timer;     // Timer, needed only for correct blinking in the Access Point mode 
  uint16_t tries_timer;     // Timer for defining an interwal between tries of internet connection
  uint16_t delay_timer;     // Timer for definig an interval of waiting for the WiFi connection
  uint8_t  check_number;    // for controlling of WiFi connection 

typedef struct Wifi_struct Wifi_reconnect_t;

/****************************************************** FUNCTION PROTOTYPES **************************************************/

void send_POST(char* Line);
void Get_Ext_IP(char* Line, char* adress);
void POST_Ext_IP(const char* Site_Address, char* IP_address, char* password);
void Get_time(status_flags_t* Status);
void Get_Ampel_states(status_flags_t* Status, const char* address);

#endif _HTTP_H_